Shareholder Information

Share Capital

As at 30th September 2024, the authorised capital of the Bank is RO 1 billion (31st December 2023: RO 1 billion, 30th September 2023: RO 1 billion). The issued shares of the Bank are 5,577,246,270 (31st December 2023: 5,467,888,500, 30th September 2023: 5,467,888,500). The paid up capital of the Bank is RO 572,508,187 (31st December 2023: RO 561,572,410, 30th September 2023: RO 561,572,410).

In the Annual General Meeting held on 28 March 2024, the shareholders approved the distribution of bonus shares at the rate of 1.95% of the Bank’s paid up capital amounting to RO 10,935,777. The number of bonus shares issued to shareholders was 2 shares for every 100 shares held, resulting in an increase in the issued shares of 109,357,770.

On 10th September 2024, the Board of Directors resolved that the Bank’s capital shall be increased by way of a rights issue of up to RO 130 million. The issue will be subject to obtaining necessary approvals in line with applicable laws and regulations.

Key Shareholders
Shareholder(s)% Shareholding in Sohar International Bank SAOG
Royal Court Affairs19.4
Oman Investment and Finance SAOG (OIFC)13.1
The Seventh Moon Investment LLC6.4
Neptune National Investments LLC5.5
Western Sea Investments LLC5.4

Updated as on 31/12/2024