Bank Sohar Conducts First Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 Monthly Draw

03-04-2018 Back to Newsroom

Bank Sohar recently held the first monthly draw for its popular Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 announcing more than 40 winners, and starting yet another potentially successful year for the scheme that has changed thousands of lives since its inception. The first Al Mumayaz monthly draw event was held on 26th February in Nizwa branch coinciding with the official opening of the branch in its new location.

Commenting on the success of the scheme, Mr. Rajeev Arora, DGM & Head Retail Banking, Bank Sohar said, “The Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 embarks on what we are confident will be another successful run as previous editions of the scheme have shown, as it continues to inspire savings and prudent cash management among the bank’s customers. This time around, the scheme has been enhanced to ensure an even higher percentage of winners across all categories, so every customer has a greater chance to win from the list of exciting cash prizes that the scheme includes. The scheme’s monthly draws include General, Women’s, Children, Dedicated Branch Draws (for every branch) and Exclusive Draws, inspiring a much greater participation across demography and segments.”

Continuing to inspire financial prudence among the bank’s customers, the reformulated Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 has been further enhanced to guarantee the most diverse winner categories across the spectrum of Bank Sohar’s customer demographic with more than 1,400 winners across individual categories. It forms part of the bank’s renewed customer-focus initiative under the slogan ‘The Year of You’, pointing to ramped up efforts oriented towards customer satisfaction, innovation and banking excellence.

The Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 Monthly Draws witnessed H.S.S. from MBD branch and Khadija Khamis Al Balushi from Barka branch win OMR 5,000 each under the general draw category; Maryam Ali Al Alawi (Minor) from Jalan branch and Turki Tariq Al Bulushi (Minor) from A’Seeb branch win OMR 500 each as part of the Children Draws; while M.M.J. from Privilege Banking branch and Merriytt Emma Louis and Sabri Rashid Abdullah (Joint Account) also from Privilege Banking branch won OMR 2,500 each within the Women’s Draws; whereas Salim Hassan Kashob from Salalah branch and Saud Saif Al Busaidi from Barka branch won OMR 10,000 each within the Exclusive Draws. The Monthly special Branch Draws witnessed customers from each of the Bank’s branches win OMR 1,000 each. This included Sultan Al Alawi the winner from the Al Buraimi Branch, Hashim Murad Bakhsh Al Balushi and Al Ayham K. (Minor) from the Al Azaiba Branch, Maadh Najeed Al Maaini and Abdullah Mohammed Al Muttawa from the Sohar Branch, Yousuf Mohammed Al Farsi and Said Mohammed Al Hakmani from the Barka Branch, Rashid Mohammed from the Ibri Branch, Mohammed Ahmed Al Housni from the Al Khaboura, Naryanan Kundukandathil and Elayne Chalotte Robert from the Al Qurum Branch, Samah Khalfan from the Al Khoudh Branch, Hamood Humaid Al Wahaibi from the Sinaw Branch, Hiers .A.J from the Privilege Banking Branch, Al Hassan Thabit (Minor) from the Salalah Branch, H.S.S. and Samira Pashok Al Balushi from the MBD Branch, Fatma Moosa Al Balushi from the A’Seeb Branch, Salima Said Al Farsi from the Sur Branch, Salim Hamod Al Hakmani from the Al Khuwair Branch, Zahir Hamed Al Malki from the Ibra Branch, M.J. Al Anqoudi from the Nizwa Branch, Z.S. Al Wahaibi from the Ruwi Branch, Mohammed Khamis Al Kaabi from the Shinas Branch, Asila Hilal Al Saadi from the Suwaiq Branch, A. M. Al Ghusaini from Quriyat Branch, Mohammed Khalfan Al Alawi from the Jaalan Bani Bu Ali Branch, Mansoor Khalfan Al Ghammari from the Al Amerat Branch, Zahra Al Toubi from the Bahla Branch, S.N.S. from the Avenues Mall Branch, Nasser Abdullah Al Maamari from the A’Rustaq Branch, Shiekha Haitham Al Sudairi (Minor) and Sheikha Mohammed Al Buraiki from the Saham Branch, Shuaib Abdul Majeed Al Balushi from the Mabella Branch and finally Sajad Ismail Al Ajmi from the Musannah Branch.

Congratulating the winners of the first monthly draw, Mr. Rajeev Arora added, “On behalf of Bank Sohar, in this year 2018 which is so aptly termed as the Year of YOU, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the winners of the scheme’s first monthly draw. We encourage more customers to avail of the unique advantages of the Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018 by opening a Prize draw Scheme savings account with Bank Sohar and ensuring to maintain and increase their balances in order to increase chances of winning ultimately being rewarded for their financial prudence.”

Under the Bank-wide draws (General Draws), The 2018 edition of Bank Sohar’s Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme offers OMR 1,000 daily, OMR 5,000 monthly (each for 2 winners), and OMR 20,000 yearend (each for 4 winners). Awarding minors and encouraging them and their parents to save, the Children’s Draw offers OMR 100 daily, OMR 500 monthly (each for 2 winners), and OMR 2,500 Year-end (each for 4 winners). Incorporating the female segment of the customer base, the scheme offers dedicated female draws of OMR 500 daily, OMR 2,500 Monthly (each for 2 winners), and OMR 10,000 Year-end (each for 4 winners). Rewarding those that save more with the Bank, the Exclusive Draws offer OMR 1,500 daily, OMR 10,000 Monthly (each for 2 winners), OMR 50,000 Year-end (each for 4 winners). Finally, and in order to ensure that Bank Sohar rewards customers from all its branches, special branch draws offer RO 1,000 monthly (one winner per branch).

In order to be eligible for the various draws, customers need to maintain a minimum monthly average balance of 100 for the Daily Children, Female and General Draws; Monthly Children’s and Branch Draws; as well as the Yearend Children’s Draws. In order to be eligible for the Monthly female and General Draws; as well as the Year-End Female and General Draws, customers need to maintain a minimum monthly average balance off OMR 1,000. Maintaining a minimum monthly average balance of OMR 10,000 will entitle customers to enter the Exclusive Daily, Monthly, and year-end draws.

Account holders will have four chances for every minimum average balance maintained in their accounts for any of the above draws. Children savings accounts will earn twice the chances to win. Saving accounts that are maintained in AED, GBP and USD are also eligible to participate in the Al Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2018. For those seeking to save without participating in the prize draws, they can instead choose to avail interest bearing accounts.

For more information on Bank Sohar, please visit the Bank’s official website or call 24730000. You can also follow the Bank on Facebook at, on Instagram at or join the conversation on Twitter @sohar_intl.


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