Bank Sohar Sponsors Honoring Event for 157 ‘Outstanding’ Students

08-09-2018 Back to Newsroom

Furthering its commitment to empowering Omani youth, Bank Sohar sponsored an event honouring 157 students attaining the ‘outstanding’ grade of 90% or more in their General Diplomas from schools across Sohar. Held under the patronage of H.E. Abdulsalam Mohammed Al-Murshidi, Executive President of State General Reserve Fund, the event was organized in collaboration with the Tafawuq initiative and it’s Founder, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Al Zadjali, the Shura Council’s official representative in Sohar, to acknowledge the achievement of youth and encourage their commitment to continued excellence.

Prominent members of the municipal council, parents, corporate sponsors, and representatives of Bank Sohar attended the event, including Ms. Naeema Al Farsi, Chief Branch Manager in Sohar, who received an honour on behalf of the bank. Bank Sohar’s booth at the event, provided guests and participants with information about the Bank’s wide range of products and services.

Mr. Ahmed Al Musalmi, CEO of Bank Sohar, commented, “Bank Sohar is committed to the empowerment of youth and enriching human capital as a strategic national resource entailing both social and economic benefits. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos envisioned the nation as one with the potential for becoming a knowledge-based society, something few countries have achieved to-date worldwide. By engaging youth proactively as the nation’s fastest growing demographic we are paving the way towards a strong foundation for continued investment. Over 50% of Oman’s population is under 25 years, thus the academic achievers of today are destined to become the leaders of tomorrow. It is essential that we acknowledge ‘outstanding’ achievements and use such occasions to encourage youth towards ongoing excellence as drivers of Oman’s future prosperity”.

During the event H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Al Zadjali, the Founder of Tafawuq, delivered a speech on extending the excellence achieved by students during their studies prior to a presentation on the initiative. Followed by cultural activities including poetry readings, fresh graduates honoured teaching staff by recounting the highlights of their learning journey for attendees, with a formal presentation of awards concluding the event.

H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Al Zadjali, representative of Wilayat Sohar in the Shura Council thanked Bank Sohar for supporting Tafawuq’s vision and stressed the importance of empowering Omani youth. He said, “We salute Bank Sohar for its commitment and investment in Oman’s youth at this event. Promoting educational excellence as the foundation of future socioeconomic prosperity is one avenue of contributing to the continued progress of the Sultanate. The importance of such investments cannot be overstated”.

Sponsoring this important event comes in lines with a series of activities and initiatives in 2018 geared towards the empowerment of youth. The latest of these observed the launch of ‘Tomohi’, a yearlong internship programme aimed at enhancing the skills of Omani youth to raise the employability of graduates. The bank’s new Chairman’s Forum ‘ViewPoints’ received high recognition, and provides youth pride of place at talks from world-renowned leaders with a view to inspire minds motivated towards realizing economic progress. Supplementary engagement strategies targeting youth have observed the bank’s participation at a variety of career fairs, as well as hosting school students in various branch.

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